Protect your most valuable Gadgets

(Friday, January 11, 2008)

To many people, gadgets are everything. They would kill to be first to buy a revolutionary gadget, and would cry in pain if their valuable gadgets were scratched. No more. A product was shown at CES 2008 called the InvisibleSHIELD which was basically a 'shield' for your gadgets. The InvisibleSHIELD is a protection film developed by ShieldZone, and was once used in the Military to protect helicopter blades. The film is made of urethane, a clear and almost invincible substance. It's also extremely flexible so it will fit your gadgets wonderfully. Here are some pictures demonstrating just how strong the product is.

As you can see, this is an extremely durable substance. If you still don't believe me, here is a video demonstration. This video also gives you the most of the information you need. Watch and learn.

Right now, they support more than 400 devices, such as iPods, Smart Phones, Laptops, Cell Phones, Portable Gaming Devices, and much more. Get them while they're hot. Most of your questions can be answered in their FAQ.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that if the film gets scratched or ripped, the company will replace it for free, for a lifetime? I know. It's awesome.

Posted in Labels: , , Posted by Bookmark Geek at 7:27 PM  


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