11 Geeky Songs Everyone Should Hear
(Thursday, January 10, 2008)
I enjoy music, and it just seems that there aren't enough Geeky Songs out there. Sure, there might be a few artists who are geeks, but the majority of songs out there don't have anything to do with technology and computers. I've compiled a list of 11 (technically 1) of my favorite Geeky Songs. Enjoy.
1. White and Nerdy - Weird Al
Weird Al has got to be the coolest-geeky artist ever. White and Nerdy is a classic. All about being Geeky.
2. Virus Alert - Weird Al
Another song by Weird Al, Virus Alert is just that. A virus alert. Awesome song.
3. Don't Download this Song - Weird Al (God I love him.)
Yet another song by Weird Al. This song is about the RIAA and why you shouldn't download the song. Ironically, this song can be legally downloaded. Link.
4. Technologic - Daft Punk
This is a Techno song that basically names all the things you can do with technology. This isn't the original music video. The robot baby freaks me out so I decided to put this version up.
5. Here Comes Another Bubble - The Richter Scales
Great song about the bubble on technology. Very catchy tune, and tells you what you need to do in order to be successful.
6. iGeneration - MC Lars
A song "Talking about the 'i' Generation" which is basically the iPod and iMac, and the generation you're in right now.
7. Tie: Geek Love - Fan 3/ True Geek Love - Tripod
Both songs have the same name, and I think they are both worth mentioning. The first one is a great song about a geek getting a girlfriend, and the one by Tripod is a comedy about the things a geek might say before making love. Very funny, and definitely geeky.
Geek Love (Fan 3): (Note: The Graphics are really bad, but the original version doesn't allow an embeded URL. View the original here)
True Geek Love (Tripod): (Fun starts after a minute.)
8. George Lucas Raped Our Childhood - Hot Waffles
For all those Star War fans.
9. Machine - Esthetic Education
Fast paced song about the joys of your computer.
10. The Geek Song - "Two Random Geeks"
I have no idea who those two geeks are. I don't care. It's still amazing, and about as geeky as you can get.
11. "Gotta Digg" - Kina Grannis
Come on. A song about Digg. Not exactly the geekiest, but still frickening awesome. "Gotta Digg!"
Feel free to share your favorite Geeky Songs. Geeks, rock on.
Posted in Labels: Geeky Songs, Music Posted by Bookmark Geek at 3:56 PM
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