Highlights of Macworld 2008 Keynote

(Tuesday, January 15, 2008)

As most of you probably know, the Macworld 2008 Keynote, and Steve Jobs introduced some cool (and other not-so-cool) products you should look forward to. Here are some of the highlights.

  • You're heard of the 'Time Machine', and now there is something called the 'Time Capsule'. Time Capsule is just a backup product which includes an Airport Extreme unit and a hard drive along with 802.11n wireless. With this, you'll be able to backup all your Macs wirelessly with the push of one button. Shipping in February, you can a 500G hard drive for $299 or a 1,000G hard drive for $499
  • Today is the 200th day the Apple iPhone has been out on the market. 4 million have been sold.
  • iPhone firmware 1.1.3 is now available, and there are 5 great updates for the iPhone. There are the new Map features (which you can see below), along with a customizable home screen. With the new update, you'll be able to have up to nine home screens, and can scroll through them by flicking it. You'll also have lyrics, subtitles, and languages on the iPhone.

  • You can get 5 new applications: Mail, Maps, Stocks, Weather, and Notes on your iPod Touch. The catch? You need to pay $20.
  • iTunes 7.6 is out, and you will soon be able to rent movies from the iTunes store. It'll be $2.99 for an old film, and $3.99 for a new release. After renting a film, you have 30 days to begin watching it, and 24 hours to watch as many times as you wish.
  • Apple TV 2 is now out. It supports AirTunes, and you can stream your movies directly. You'll also be able to rent movies on Apple TV, but those movies will stay on Apple TV. You won't be able to export them. So sorry.
  • MacBook Air. This is probably one of the more exciting announcements. A new laptop called the MacBook Air is going to be out in two weeks. What's so great about it? Well, it's the thinnest laptop ever. Weighing in at 3 pounds, it has a 11-12 inch screen and is .8-1.2 inches thick. It's so thin that it can fit in one of those manila envelopes. You can get an 80G HDD or a 60G SDD, and the computer comes with 802.11n Wi-Fi. It all seems all fine and well, but the price is quite a shocker. This thin computer comes at the price of $1799. Perhaps version two would be cheaper.
Those are the main highlights of the Macworld Keynote. You can read the entire Macworld Keynote over at Engadget.

Posted in Labels: , , , , , , , Posted by Bookmark Geek at 5:57 PM  


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