Get Your Free Desktop RSS Reader Today

(Wednesday, January 9, 2008)

NewsGator, a site that specializes in RSS Feed readers is now allowing users to get FeedDemon (Windows), NetNewsWire (Mac), NewsGator Go!(Mobile), and NewsGator Inbox (MS Outlook) for free. If you're a fanatic about staying on top of the news with RSS Feeds, these tools are a great way for you to get all your feeds without having to open up your browser. Here is a run down of what each of the applications do.

FeedDemon: FeedDemon is the Windows Desktop RSS Reader, which gives you a unique way of reading your RSS Feeds due to the fact that you can do it on your desktop. FeedDemon will allow you to read all your feeds, marking the one's you've already read, and even letting you see embedded video right on the application. There is also a function that will allow you to subscribe to your favorite podcasts and listen to them when you have some time.

NetNewsWire: Like FeedDemon, NetNewsWire is a RSS Reader, except this time, it's for the Mac. NetNewsWire contains many of the features included in FeedDemon and more. With NetNewsWire, you'll be able to print the pages you like and post articles to NetNewsWire is also integrated with Spotlight, Address book, iCal and more, so be prepared to find everything you want. There is also an included built in list of feeds for all those who don't want to spend the time importing their old feeds. They can just right in the action.

NewsGator Go!: This is a very handy RSS reader for anyone on the go. NewsGator Go! supports the Blackberry, Java Mobile, and Windows Mobile. NewsGator Go! will allow you to read all your feeds while you on the go, and you'll be given the chance to e-mail your friends with an article you found interesting. If you're using Windows Mobile, you can download podcasts and play streaming audio/video. Great for those on the go.

NewsGator Inbox: This is a RSS Reader for all those MS Outlook fans. NewsGator Inbox will send all your feeds to Outlook, and you'll be able to read all your news in Outlook. Great for those people who are constantly reading their mail. NewsGator Inbox also includes features in the other RSS Readers such as synchronization, search, and pod catching.

I think that Desktop RSS Readers are wonderful because it'll always be there; even if you're not connected to the internet. Plus, you don't have to go through the process of opening up your browser just to take a look what's going on in the world. Desktop RSS readers are wonderful, and you should definitely get these while you have the chance. Overall, if you've ever been a RSS lover, these are great applications for you to use. Not only will you get a whole lot of features, they are free. So hurry up and get your copy.

Posted in Labels: , , Posted by Bookmark Geek at 4:36 PM  


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